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Thursday 31 October 2013

Loving husband 'kills himself hours after wife died as he couldn't face a night without her'

Together forever: Tammy and Adrian Cross
 He devotedly nursed his beloved for nine months as she battled a debilitating lung disease then is thought to have taken overdose. A husband who never spent a night apart from his wife of 15 years was left so heartbroken when she died he is believed to have killed himself.

Devoted Adrian Cross, 45, nursed his beloved Tammy, 37, for nine months as she
battled a debilitating lung disease. And when she finally succumbed to the illness, he is thought to have taken an overdose.

Adrian’s body was found at their home in Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales, just hours after Tammy died on October 8. Her father David Jones, 65, said: “Adrian always said if anything ever happened to her he’d be straight behind her.

“They never spent a night apart. Their love was so strong that if they went out, they wrote love notes to each other. We found them all around the house.“I have never seen love like it  and I don’t think I ever will again.”

Tammy, the youngest of five siblings, and Adrian, married in the Dominican Republic 15 years ago before returning home to Merthyr for a blessing ceremony and reception.

Tammy also leaves behind mum Phyllis Jones, 61, brother Dean and sisters Dawn, Gail and Marie.Mrs Jones, who is divorced from Mr Jones but remains a close friend, called her daughter an “angel”.

 She said: “I know children love their mother but she was different. We called her angel."You can’t imagine losing your daughter before you. I don’t know how I am going to cope. Adrian was a son to us. He did everything for our Tammy. He looked after her and my family.”

Adrian's sister Yvonne Thornley, 57, said: “They were a devoted couple and just lived for one another. "It’s very sad for all of us. They were both lovely people and we will miss them terribly. They were so in love from the day they met.”

More than 1,000 family, friends and well-wishers attended their funeral at St John’s Church in Cefn Coed on Monday, October 21. Six white doves were released into the air following the service.

Tributes have also been left on Facebook. Niece Sophie Jones wrote: “Love and miss my auntie and uncle loads.

"Really don’t know how I’m going to get over the fact I won’t see you. Life is so cruel, at times I ask myself why take the best. RIP angels.”An inquest into Adrian’s death was adjourned for toxicology reports.

Source:The Mirror

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