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Thursday 6 March 2014

Uganda: Women get three-hour jail term for wearing miniskirts

Uganda banned miniskirts, Anti Pornography bill!
In Bukomansimbi - Uganda, Ms Prosy Nasuna sued a woman over a Shs3m debt, the last thing she expected was to be arrested.But by the end of the court session at Bukomansimbi Grade One Magistrate Court yesterday, she and the accused found themselves behind bars for
wearing miniskirts in regard to the recently signed Anti-Pornography Act cites pornography.

Records before court indicate that Ms Nasuna dragged Ms Jane Nabukenya to court over breach of contract after the latter failed to pay the money.
Unaware of what might befall them, both women appeared in court dressed in miniskirts.

They soon attracted murmurs and shouts as people began asking if the kind of clothes the duo was wearing were not outlawed in the recently passed Anti-Pornography Act.

This prompted the presiding magistrate, Ms Catherine Baguma, to ask court what had happened and people shouted that the women were putting on miniskirts which had been banned.
Ms Baguma called court to order and ordered for the arrest of the duo for contempt of court.

The magistrate said their dress code distracted her court, adding that she could not proceed with the case when they were still dressed in miniskirts.
Ms Baguma sentenced the women to three hours of imprisonment each and their case was postponed to March 13.

The recently signed Anti-Pornography Act cites pornography as any representation of the sexual parts of a person for primarily sexual excitement.

Credits: Daily Monitor

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