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Friday 19 April 2013

FBI release pics of suspects in Marathon bombings

Caught on CCTV ... suspects walking at bomb scene in Boston
These are the two men being sought last night by US law agents as prime suspects in the Boston bombings.
Images released by the FBI show the pair seen walking near each other shortly before two bombs exploded during Monday’s marathon, killing three people and injuring 176.

One was seen to take off his heavy looking backpack and put it down exactly at the site of the second blast. The pictures, taken from
shop surveillance cameras, were issued as authorities appealed for help in identifying the men, both thought to be in their 20s.

FBI Special Agent Richard DesLauriers warned that both were considered “armed and dangerous” and should not be approached if spotted.

The first of the pair nearest the camera in the main picture above is described as Suspect One and wearing a dark cap.
Suspect ... first man in dark cap walks past

Suspect Two, a few yards behind him, has on a white cap turned backwards. Both are wearing jackets and carrying rucksacks.

They were filmed walking together through the crowds of marathon spectators and appeared to be “associates”.

Agent DesLauriers said: “Suspect Two set down a backpack at the site of the second explosion just in front of a foreign restaurant.”

He said the FBI was working with a “sense of urgency” to identify the suspects, adding: “Somebody out there knows these individuals as friends, neighbours, co workers or family members.”

It is believed the footage was obtained from the posh Lord & Taylor department store on the same Boylston Street block torn apart by the blasts.

Suspect ... second man in light hat follows

She said: “We have been collecting video from a variety of sources at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. There is some video that has raised the question of those that the FBI would like to speak with.”

President Barack Obama paid Boston a moving visit yesterday and promised the city: “You will run again.”
He was joined by wife Michelle as he attended an inter-faith church service remembering the dead and injured.

Amid rapturous applause, President Obama slammed the “small, stunted individuals” who carried out the “heinous act” warning them: “We will find you. We will hold you accountable.”

He told Bostonians: “As you begin this journey of recovery we’ll all be with you as you learn to walk and run again.”
In London meanwhile, hate preacher Anjem Choudary linked the bombing and the massive explosion at a Texas factory to US troops “on Muslim land”.

Kevin Curtis, 45, of Mississippi, has been charged with threatening President Obama and other officials after sending letters thought to contain ricing.

Credits: The sun

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